Micro center monitor
Micro center monitor

micro center monitor

If you need to return an item, simply bring it back to any Micro Center store for a full refund or exchange. If an item you have purchased from us is not working as expected, please visit one of our in-store Knowledge Experts for free help, where they can solve your problem or even exchange the item for a product that better suits your needs. However, if you need help or need to return an item, we’re here for you! We guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund - and you won’t even need a receipt.* We want you to be satisfied with your Micro Center purchase. Help options - 4 groups of items - 12 total selections Never buy extended warranties of any kind.PC Parts options - 11 groups of items - 50 total selectionsĮlectronics options - 12 groups of items - 60 total selectionsĪccessories options - 10 groups of items - 50 total selections

micro center monitor

any pixel issue, color shift or backlight bleed gets me a new one within the first 3 years

micro center monitor

My Dell monitor gets covered by a nice warranty plan by manufacturer so I dont know if it would be worth with such an item. I mean number 2 is kinda stupid since warranty is warranty so the manufacturer would take care of it anyways and they would have to take it in none the less.īut the damage protection is good - we dont have that in germany, at least not that cheap. Since a monitor is delicate would it be worth it? Was thinking of grabbing a LG 29UM67 Freesync monitor. Not only do you get all of the regular protection plan benefits, but you also get screen protection so if your screen becomes cracked due to an accident, it will be replaced. If it becomes un-economical to repair during the coverage period, it may be replaced free of charge with a comparable item. Not only is your small electronic device protected against the added expense of parts and labor to repair it, but it also includes in-store service or shipping to and from the authorized repair center.

  • Protection Plans with Accidental Damage and Handling Coverage.
  • With our Accidental Damage Protection plan, drops and spills are covered along with damages from normal wear and tear.ĭesigned for hardware under $500, these plans provide assurance that if your product fails during the manufacturer's warranty, you can bring it in and we'll take care of it. So Microcenter has a protection plan you can get with <$500 items and their policy is:ĭrops and spills are the two main causes of damage to electronic devices.

    Micro center monitor